Tag Archives: sunburn

Sunburnt and loving it

10 Mar

My first sunburn of the season… That means hot weather, outdoor entertainment, sun and fun.

Friday I spent walking around Old Jaffo with a few friends in the old Jaffo outdoor market haggling over a table, chairs and clothing. We ate lunch at Dr. Shakshuka (holy mother that food was GOOD. We walked back from Jaffo to Tel Aviv. On the way back to Casa Ginrod we discussed how it felt like we were on vacation. Imagine one day of the week where you really feel as if you are on vacation. It completely energizes and refreshes my body and soul when I have a day like that and I feel like almost every Friday in Israel has been a real vacation day. Maybe it is because Friday was always a working day and I never did anything exciting on Sunday. Either way I love having Friday off.

Courtesy of a Ginrod

I ❤ the Sun and more importantly I ❤ Israel